Ant Middleton I joined the Marines, passed Special Forces selection, and became a young leader in the military. – Ant Middleton Forces Quotes Joined Quotes Leader Quotes Marines Quotes Military Quotes Passed Quotes Selection Quotes Special Quotes It’s asking that never-ending question, ‘Who am I?’ which motivates me and takes me on a constant journey of self-discovery that teaches me so much. Will Everest make me more cautious? In reality, probably not. A lot of people want to go out there, help people, and save the world. Sadly, half the time they can’t even help themselves.
LifeMoving OnWalter Anderson Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have – life itself. – Walter Anderson
St Jerome Those who persevere in sin are those who are held in abhorrence by God, but those who abandon the ways of sin are loved by the Lord. – St Jerome
James Corden It is hard because I love Cornettos, so that will always be a weakness, and I’ve realised that bread is my nemesis. I believe bread has been sent to destroy me to the core. James Corden
Finneas I don’t analyze songs because I think it will make me a better songwriter, I just do it out of sheer curiosity. – Finneas
Aja Naomi King Not to say there’s not good TV out there, but I think TV is better when it accurately reflects the world as it is. – Aja Naomi King
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