Larry David I just feed off the energy of the audience. – Larry David Audience Quotes Energy Quotes Feed Quotes I just wanted laughs – that’s really what I was after. Drugs scared me.
Karine Jean-Pierre One of the things that we do is we elevate people. We put them on pedestals, and people are flawed. No one is perfect. – Karine Jean-Pierre
Ken CuccinelliLegal When you file an amicus brief, and you represent a state, the court reads your brief. It is a powerful position to make the legal assault from. – Ken Cuccinelli
Ariana Grande Meditation is a great way to keep my body well-centered while juggling shooting schedules and recording sessions. – Ariana Grande
Hailey Gates My parents separated when I was young, and as a result, my father had to learn how to braid our hair on the nights my sisters and I would stay with him. We would arrive to school the next morning with these incredibly endearing lopsided braids he had fashioned. This may have expedited the process of my learning how to braid my own hair. – Hailey Gates
Cameron Britton When you have a job you know you’d do for free, it takes a lot of the pressure away to be successful at it. So if it’s doing theater in New York or teaching acting, I’m down for all of it. – Cameron Britton
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