Mick Foley I just feel like there’s a better mind-to-pen connection for me than a mind-to-keyboard connection. – Mick Foley Connection Quotes Feel Quotes Mindtokeyboard Quotes Mindtopen Quotes I think I had four concussions throughout my career that were diagnosed, and I guess that I’ve had seven more. But the fact that three of them came in a four month span when I was making a comeback in 2004 is a little bit scary. I see The Rock running in 2020 and being a two-term president. I think he would be great, and I’m joking when I say I think Stephanie McMahon wouldn’t be a fine president of the United States. I think she’s got the leadership qualities. I see those two as potential candidates, and I see Kane as a congressional leader.
John Woo It’s pretty easy to make a film in China. A few years ago I just walked into the office and let them know I wanted to make a movie called ‘Red Cliff’ and they were so excited. They said, ‘Let’s do it!’ It’s that simple. – John Woo
James McCartney For my first album I wanted to make a record that would be intimate, deeply personal, and honest. – James McCartney
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