Brian Posehn I just felt like I’d rather listen to even the worst metal song more than most current pop music. – Brian Posehn Current Quotes Listen Quotes Metal Quotes Music Quotes Pop Quotes Song Quotes Worst Quotes As a comic, I used to know more about pop culture. There’s a roller derby girl that goes by that name, ‘Nerd Rage,’ and she named herself after my album.
Bob Hope She said she was approaching forty, and I couldn’t help wondering from what direction. – Bob Hope
Antoine Griezmann I don’t want them to compare me to one or the other – I want people to know me for being Griezmann. – Antoine Griezmann
Sam Mikulak If I could go back in time and see anyone perform, it would have to be Bob Marley. – Sam Mikulak
Eliot Schrefer Tutoring follows the lucrative philosophy of advertising: if you can manufacture a need, people with disposable resources will find ways to fill it. – Eliot Schrefer
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