Alexander Gilkes I just love the idea of being able to have a place where friends and family can meet, where you can raise everything from chickens to llamas, and, you know, have an artist residency. – Alexander Gilkes Artist Quotes Chickens Quotes Family Quotes Friends Quotes Idea Quotes Llamas Quotes Love Quotes Meet Quotes Raise Quotes Residency Quotes Our generation has become somewhat stripped of identity by the homogenizing effect of technology. So, more than ever, people want to project their own individuality. I’m a bit of a vault of secrets. I’m a victim of English reserve, which is slightly in contrast to how I communicate when I auction.
Imogen Heap There’s this idea of a star, and this person is very aloof and writes all the music, and they don’t talk to anyone unless they go through the record label. And I always felt very uncomfortable about that. – Imogen Heap
Lin Dan I have admired Taufik Hidayat for being exceptionally talented and Hendrawan for being a great player only because of his hard work and dedication. I have always looked up to them as players. – Lin Dan
Ryan Bingham I guess learning as musician as well so I am trying to learn and to grow and be inspired by new things. It is always expanding and growing and leaving yourself open to be inspired by new things. – Ryan Bingham
Kevin McCloud It’s possible to be satisfied with a day’s work or a cake, but a life… what is a life but a history of events badly remembered? – Kevin McCloud
Jenny Eclair I’m very jealous of my daughter’s education. She’s been inspired by her teachers, and nobody inspired me as a teenager. – Jenny Eclair
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