James Arthur I just think you have got to bring out good music. – James Arthur Bring Quotes Music Quotes When an attractive woman shows any interest in me, I’m immediately alerted. I’m just achieving goals left, right and centre, and I just feel incredibly lucky because I never thought it would happen.
Patti Stanger For the women in California, they’re just downtrodden because they’re so gorgeous here. Every hot cheerleader comes to California to make it. The men don’t want to get married, they’re lazy lions. Matthew McConaughey is their poster boy so they can procreate and live on the beach in the trailer and have kids and have money and be hedonistic. – Patti Stanger
Akshaye Khanna I barley read stuff about myself. Even when I see some article about myself in a paper or a magazine, nine out of 10 times, I skip it. – Akshaye Khanna
FriendshipMontesquieu Friendship is an arrangement by which we undertake to exchange small favors for big ones. – Montesquieu
Ashley McBryde Nothing lights a fire under you like somebody saying, ‘You’re not going to be able to do it.’ – Ashley McBryde
Kersti Kaljulaid Governments don’t want to be the last ones in the digital sphere if their people and businesses are already there. We have to make clear that the free movement of services in the E.U. also applies in the digital sphere. The shortcut is to create a digital union. – Kersti Kaljulaid
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