Mark Knopfler I just want to be able to play and make people feel good with what I do. When you’re thinking that way, anything can happen. And, usually, what happens is good. – Mark Knopfler Feel Quotes Happen Quotes People Quotes Play Quotes Thinking Quotes While listening, to things like western swing, for instance, I’d work something out in my head, then play it on my National; not the same song, but one that captured the feeling of the original tune. I even played bass for a while. Besides playing electric guitar, I’d also get asked to play some acoustic stuff. But, since I didn’t have an acoustic guitar at the time, I used to borrow one from a friend so I could play folk joints.
Paul Cellucci Our ties are deep and long-standing. We are dependent on each other. And no matter what the issue of the day, whether it be softwood lumber, whether it be a war in Iraq, we need to continue to work together. – Paul Cellucci
Bill Copeland Before deciding to retire, stay home for a week and watch the daytime TV shows. – Bill Copeland
Jim Otto I was told in high school that the last game during your senior year stays with you forever, which is true. – Jim Otto
Keith Richards You’ve got the sun, you’ve got the moon, and you’ve got the Rolling Stones. – Keith Richards
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