Kerry Katona I just want to maintain being healthy. – Kerry Katona Healthy Quotes Maintain Quotes I don’t want to be super tiny and skinny. Tell me I can’t have something and watch me go and get it.
Jerry Saltz Galleries began growing in both number and size in the late seventies, when artists who worked in lofts wanted to exhibit their work in spaces similar to the ones the art was made in. – Jerry Saltz
Brian Behlendorf Corporations have been killing the risk-taking and exploration that makes software great. They have tried to rip the soul out of development. – Brian Behlendorf
Jimmy Chamberlin U2 are a great band; they’ve given us an unbelievable body of work, and all of us musicians owe them at least something. I can honestly say that every time I have played the Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Colorado, as soon as my drums are set up, I go into the beat of ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday.’ – Jimmy Chamberlin
Jesse Ventura I decided to run for governor because I got mad… I want to make government more directly accountable to the people. – Jesse Ventura
Raymond Kethledge While driving to work, I’ll choose to think about a particular subject rather than just have random thought streams landing on one subject or another. For example, I might think about the structure of an opinion. Or I might think about the first sentence of an opinion, refining it. – Raymond Kethledge
Ashton Kutcher I’m a guy’s guy. I don’t comb my hair unless I have to, and I don’t use lotions or fancy shampoos. – Ashton Kutcher
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