Jofra Archer I just wanted to play in the IPL; the money is just a bonus. – Jofra Archer Bonus Quotes Ipl Quotes Money Quotes Play Quotes Being in a Covid bubble, you are going to need your family with you. It helps you stay sane. Four or five days in, you start to get a little bit of cabin fever. You need your family to take some of that pressure off you. It wasn’t a pleasant experience to be confined to my hotel room for five days even though I had my Xbox and workout stuff with me so I could make the most of a bad situation.
Deirdre O'Kane I spent seven years in clubs in England, Australia, etc. Not all comedians cross over to sell out in a theatre. – Deirdre O’Kane
Esme Creed-Miles I was never a sporty kid. Then I discovered my physicality and running and endorphins. – Esme Creed-Miles
Graydon Carter There aren’t any looks or customs I wish would come back. Today almost anything goes. Culture constantly devours the past so there’s not much that’s missing. – Graydon Carter
Conor Oberst To me, a political song is also a personal song. Most political activism has been driven by empathy for other people and the desire for a world that’s less divisive. Even if songs aren’t overtly political, they can make a listener more empathetic. – Conor Oberst
Jagmeet Singh Inequality is on the rise in Canada and those at the top have no idea what life is like for most Canadian families. – Jagmeet Singh
Chris Wedge If you win the Oscar, you get to go into just about anybody’s office for a month. – Chris Wedge
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