Ethan Hawke I kill flies, I eat meat, you know, whatever. – Ethan Hawke Eat Quotes Flies Quotes Kill Quotes Meat Quotes As a young man… you don’t know anything about yourself. And add on to that, you’re on the cover of magazines. People are interviewing you about what you think. You feel like a real phony. I’ve had a lot of experience in independent film, and about how to choose. You’ve got to be very discerning about where you put your five bucks, and where you cut and what you don’t cut.
Ray Fearon I like people who enjoy life. I can’t stand women who play games. I lose interest very quickly. I prefer up-front honesty. – Ray Fearon
EqualityJeane Kirkpatrick Democracy not only requires equality but also an unshakable conviction in the value of each person, who is then equal. – Jeane Kirkpatrick
Bryce Dessner When I’m writing for certain instruments, you want to write within what you know about that instrument but also challenge the player. Something like ‘Aheym’ is very virtuosic – but because I have a history of performing music, I don’t like unplayable music. – Bryce Dessner
Sid Vicious I suppose we’ll make money off our album and our singles and stuff, but, like, they were made as we wanted them, exactly with what we had to say, and done exactly how we wanted them, right? And, like, we didn’t put them out to make money. We put them out because we wanted to do them, do you know what I mean? – Sid Vicious
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