Paul Gascoigne I know as a manager you have to abide by the chairman’s decisions. But his decisions were this team, that team, this player, that player. The chairman is a control freak. – Paul Gascoigne Abide Quotes Chairman Quotes Chairmans Quotes Control Quotes Decisions Quotes Freak Quotes Manager Quotes Player Quotes Team Quotes I like to help create team spirit in the dressing room. I feel that I’ve got loads of love to give. I had to accept that I was an alcoholic, that was the main thing. I think you’ve got to. But I try not say that I’m an alcoholic. I prefer to say that it’s a disease I’ve got.
Daphne Bavelier We know there are good sugars and bad sugars, and we don’t discuss whether food in general is good or bad for us. We need to be far more nuanced when we talk about the effects of video games. – Daphne Bavelier
Simon Amstell I had to lie about who I was between the ages of 13 and 21. Or I felt I did. Because I liked boys. I felt very alone, I didn’t think it was possible to like boys without ruining my entire life. – Simon Amstell
Jimi Hendrix You have to forget about what other people say, when you’re supposed to die, or when you’re supposed to be loving. You have to forget about all these things. – Jimi Hendrix
Mary Todd Lincoln My evil genius Procrastination has whispered me to tarry ’til a more convenient season. – Mary Todd Lincoln
Samantha Bee If I could live in New York the rest of my life, I absolutely would, but it’s also prohibitively expensive and you have to be working. New York is a lot nicer when you have a job. – Samantha Bee
Joel Edgerton When I was young, I had a very clear point of view on things in life, on moral questions. There was a black and white viewpoint on my world. As I’ve gotten older, I see the grey areas appear. – Joel Edgerton
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