Dominic Cummings I know from my nightclub days that when local cops need to show a fall in crime for political reasons there are all sorts of ways in which they can easily cheat numbers. – Dominic Cummings Cheat Quotes Cops Quotes Crime Quotes Days Quotes Easily Quotes Fall Quotes Local Quotes Nightclub Quotes Political Quotes Reasons Quotes Sorts Quotes People in politics tend to spend far too much time on higher profile issues affecting few people and too little time on such basic processes that affect thousands or millions and which we know how to do much better. I think the right way to deal with terrorism is to carry on with normal life, like Britain used to when it was a more serious country.
Preet Bharara The aggressive use of wiretaps is important: It shows that we are targeting white-collar insider-trading rings with the same powerful investigative tools that have worked so successfully against the mob and drug cartels. – Preet Bharara
Michael Rostovtzeff For long, history was mainly political history, and historical narrative was confined to an account of the most important crises in political life, or to an account of wars and great generals. – Michael Rostovtzeff
Mitski It’s very tempting, when somebody says they like this about you, to want to do that over and over. – Mitski
Elliott Yamin My dad’s Israeli. He was born in Baghdad to Iraqi Jews. Then, at age two, his parents wanted to move to their homeland and he grew up in Israel. I’ve been there twice, once as a baby and once when I was 15. – Elliott Yamin
James Levine I can imagine wanting to work with this ensemble and this company always. – James Levine
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