Jeffree Star I know it sounds so dumb, but when you’ve had pink hair for 12 years and take that away, you’re looked at in a different light. – Jeffree Star Dumb Quotes Hair Quotes Light Quotes Looked Quotes Pink Quotes Sounds Quotes I’m just Jeffree. Everyone calls me he/she/whatever they want to call me; I’m an alien. If you click on MTV, it’s the same 10 bands and the same 10 songs, and it gets so old. Kids are looking for something besides what they get on the radio.
Feisal Abdul Rauf A kind of racism still exists in the United States, and Islamophobia is a more convenient way to express that sentiment. There has also been an attempt to paint Muslims as enemies of the United States. – Feisal Abdul Rauf
Edwin Meese To restore the American experiment in democratic self-government, religious believers need to redouble their civic efforts. For without our active participation in politics, the government will continue to trample on our rights. The Constitution does not prevent people of faith from being active in politics. – Edwin Meese
T J Oshie My moves aren’t necessarily highlight-reel. I feel like they’re just ways I can get the puck in the net. – T J Oshie
Lance Ito I have not fully had the opportunity to evaluate the impact of cameras in the courtroom. – Lance Ito
Holly Robinson Peete Being a typical teenager isn’t easy. When you have autism, it can be extra difficult. We need more public awareness about these hurdles as well as compassion towards these young people. – Holly Robinson Peete
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