Chirlane McCray I know my husband loves me fiercely and passionately. I know he supports me and will always stand up for me. – Chirlane McCray Fiercely Quotes Husband Quotes Loves Quotes Passionately Quotes Stand Quotes Supports Quotes It took a long time for me to get into ‘I’m taking care of kids,’ and what that means. I am more than just a label. Why are people so driven to labeling where we fall on the sexual spectrum?
Damian Marley Jamaica full of ghetto, but boy, I tell you: me never see it like that. – Damian Marley
Janet Evanovich I take in a lot of stuff from real life, movies, television, news and it all gets mixed in my head and somehow turns into a story idea. – Janet Evanovich
Charles Bradley If you’re a real person, I don’t care if you blue – I’m going to be your friend. Everybody’s tired of all of the hatred and animosity. I just want to live. – Charles Bradley
Geoffrey Zakarian I don’t usually have time for TV. When I get home at night, I just want to fall asleep. – Geoffrey Zakarian
Sirio Maccioni One time, I was young. I was skinny. I was elegant. Getting old is terrible. – Sirio Maccioni
Ron Howard I’m interested in all forms of content, including Internet and gaming. On the TV side, cable has sparked a renaissance of the medium and that will continue for storytellers. – Ron Howard
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