David Talbot I know that doesn’t sound very radical and webby of me to say that but I think the New York Times is important. I also think there’s an occasional piece that will pop out. – David Talbot Occasional Quotes Piece Quotes Pop Quotes Radical Quotes Sound Quotes Times Quotes Webby Quotes York Quotes Most magazines have become wallpaper, they’re all the same, all the same celebrities. It’s really an abysmal time in American journalism right now. But occasionally one story or two will pop out. People sort of take it for granted, but the more you see of the media world the more you appreciate a paper like the Times where its family continues to invest in editorial quality and I think it’s the truly is the best paper in the world.
Mona EltahawyReligion I left my husband a year after 9/11. Not because he was an American and I an Egyptian, nothing to do with culture or religion, nothing to do with 9/11. We brought out the worst in each other. But before we separated, we visited N.Y.C. one more time together for a friend’s engagement, and we went to pay our respects at the site of the attacks. – Mona Eltahawy
FreedomMenSamuel Adams It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. – Samuel Adams
Jay BaruchelMovies I have a maple leaf tattoo over my heart, quite literally, and my two favorite things on Earth are being in Canada and making movies. – Jay Baruchel
Gerwyn Price A lot of people can throw darts. Its just how they think about the game. Thats how Ive improved. My mind is different. – Gerwyn Price
Brian P ClearyPet Our cat is kind dove shellfish, and thinks the world is hers, She finds a comfy spot and then we pet turtle sheep purrs. – Brian P Cleary
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