Adwoa Aboah I know what my causes are. And I care about them, so I’d rather get out there and talk about them than just play it safe. – Adwoa Aboah Care Quotes Play Quotes Safe Quotes Talk Quotes I always think, what I would have thought of something like Gurls Talk would have come into my school? Or how would I have felt if I’d heard there was this one-day festival happening in London? I think I’d have definitely gone, I started Gurls Talk because it was everything that I needed at school. I’ve learned to appreciate looking unique and not having long, blond locks… at last.
Michel Onfray Many militants of the secular cause look astonishingly like clergy. Worse: like caricatures of clergy. – Michel Onfray
Harmon Killebrew I want to say that maybe I’ve made some wrong decisions, but I’m still an honorable person, and I intend to take care of all of my obligations. – Harmon Killebrew
Anjelah Johnson I think people know what they’re getting with my name, because they’ve seen my specials on Netflix. – Anjelah Johnson
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