Katarina Witt I learned not to depend on other people. I needed support, but it’s you who has to go out and deliver. – Katarina Witt Deliver Quotes Depend Quotes Learned Quotes People Quotes Support Quotes I never really like to skate in an empty ice rink; I always need the attention of an audience. Skating taught me to set a goal and to block out other things and just focus on this one thing.
MarriageStockwell Day Marriage commissioners who choose not to marry homosexuals are being fired. A Knights of Columbus chapter in British Columbia is in court because it chooses not allow a lesbian group to use its facility for marriage ceremonies. The list goes on. – Stockwell Day
Linda McMahon I think women are not as hung up on the testosterone thing. They’re more collaborative. They multitask better, and I think they’re more results-oriented. They just want to cut to the chase and get it done. – Linda McMahon
Robert Anton Wilson I’m not an anarchist any longer, because I’ve concluded that anarchism is an impractical ideal. – Robert Anton Wilson
J R Smith I went to Moses Malone’s golf tournament in Houston, and I’ve been hooked ever since. – J R Smith
Michael C Hall I think we’re really – we’re doing a really great job doing our show, and other shows are doing a great job doing theirs, and we’ll just see what people have to say. – Michael C Hall
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