David Sedaris I like books on tape, and will listen to just about anything. – David Sedaris Books Quotes Listen Quotes Tape Quotes I started writing when I was twenty, and my first book came out seventeen years later. No one writes dialect better than Flannery O’Connor. No one should even try.
Jimmy White If you’re playing the best of 19, and it’s 7-7 and there’s only five frames left, you tend to take a few more chances. – Jimmy White
Amanda Palmer I’ve been in a recording studio enough times to know that it is not the best place to multitask. Doing a couple of takes of a song and running out to check your email to talk to someone about video production really is not good. – Amanda Palmer
PatienceRicharlison I have learned that you need to have patience, perseverance, and faith in people to reach your goals. – Richarlison
Hideo Kojima My biggest failure is ‘Metal Gear.’ It’s my biggest failure and my biggest success. – Hideo Kojima
Marsha Sinetar To find in ourselves what makes life worth living is risky business, for it means that once we know we must seek it. It also means that without it life will be valueless. – Marsha Sinetar
Jimmy John Liautaud I assumed when I was first selling the franchises that everyone would be as excited as I was to wake up in the morning to bake bread and slice vegetables. – Jimmy John Liautaud
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