John Dykstra I like engineering, but I love the creative input. – John Dykstra Creative Quotes Engineering Quotes Input Quotes Love Quotes Film, as far as I’m concerned, is my area of artistic endeavor, so I never think of a movie that gets released as being all done-it’s just when they took it away from you. We stayed there 24 hours a day. We lived and ate and slept that movie. We were enthusiastic, not just because of the movie, but because we had such a great collaborative team. We had a really good time. It was very much a family.
Francois Nars I would find myself in these photo shoots with models and makeup, and I got swept up in it all. – Francois Nars
Richard Ben-Veniste Were there contacts over time between Iraq and al-Qaeda? Yes, there were efforts made to communicate. We found no evidence of collaboration in any effort to mount any kind of operation against the United States’ interests. – Richard Ben-Veniste
FreedomGerry Adams When others stood idly by, you and your families gave your all, in defence of a risen people and in pursuit of Irish freedom and unity. – Gerry Adams
Steven Van Zandt There are… certainly more innovations on ‘Revolver’… but the truth of the matter is ‘Sgt. Pepper’ has something that was just completely different and unique at that moment. – Steven Van Zandt
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