Ken Berry I like getting up when everyone else does and going home when everyone else does. – Ken Berry Quotes I love diving and motorcycling! If I try to impress a room-ful of guests by calling my answering service to see if there are any messages, they never understand my name. They think I am saying Kim Barry, and I have to repeat my name over and over.
D B Weiss I think the main reason is that people binge watch because they can. We’re like dogs, really. If we like something, we tend to gorge ourselves on it until there’s no more left. And as bingeing becomes possible and commonplace, it’s only natural that shows should start to take it into account. – D B Weiss
Jens Lekman Contemporary Swedish artists that chose Swedish as their language tended to sing about certain topics and use words I wanted to avoid. – Jens Lekman
Stephanie Labbe We need to continue to push to have a professional league in Canada. – Stephanie Labbe
Clare Balding Swimming and athletics are the big gigs at the Olympic games. Cycling and rowing are pretty big for Britain, but globally, the two big things are athletics and swimming. – Clare Balding
Elaine Sciolino I don’t think Iraq could be transformed overnight into a democracy. How can you take a country that doesn’t have any kind of tradition of democracy, where its people have been brutalized and repressed for decades, and suddenly impose Jeffersonian ideals? – Elaine Sciolino
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