MrBeast I like helping people. It makes me happy. – MrBeast Happy Quotes Helping Quotes People Quotes I don’t know why – and I’m not just saying this to look good – I’ve just always been a really nice guy. Weirdly enough, the best thing for my mental health was giving into my innate nature to work. And the most depressed I get is when I try to restrict it, like, ‘I don’t work weekends’ or ‘I don’t work this day.’
Bret Bielema I was on a farm basically from the age of 3 until I left for college – really thought that was all I was ever going to do. – Bret Bielema
Amy MorinChange Acknowledging the unproductive thoughts and ineffective behavior that you’ve tried to ignore can be uncomfortable. But, stepping out of your comfort zone and choosing to proactively address bad habits will skyrocket your ability to create long-lasting change. – Amy Morin
EqualityPeter Hitchens Average male pay is higher than average female pay for a simple reason. Despite decades of enforced equality, women still have babies, and men still don’t. So women who wish to spend any substantial time at all with their own offspring will fall behind in their careers, and their earnings will be less. – Peter Hitchens
Charles Stanley If you tell God no because He won’t explain the reason He wants you to do something, you are actually hindering His blessing. But when you say yes to Him, all of heaven opens to pour out His goodness and reward your obedience. What matters more than material blessings are the things He is teaching us in our spirit. – Charles Stanley
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