Harry Enfield I like Hugh Grant. – Harry Enfield Grant Quotes Hugh Quotes I tend to think that these white supremacists like Terreblanche, the boneheads of the BNP and Bernard Manning are all so revoltingly ugly and unpleasant that they make the best possible advertisement for mixed marriages. Would you prefer your daughter to look like Naomi Campbell or Bernard Manning? When looking for an Oscar-winning performance Americans demand not mental instability but mental disability, ie Tom Hanks playing a simpleton or Dustin Hoffman as an autistic man. The Yanks are suckers for such patronising tosh.
FinanceNoreena Hertz Without industry, finance and government consciously and collaboratively ensuring that capital flows to where it is needed in order to ensure the scaling up of climate change solutions, whatever deal is agreed risks never being realised. – Noreena Hertz
Shawn Amos If you’re going to write an anthem for an old man who’s up at political bat for the last time, give him a decent song. Send him off with something that creates some chills or something. – Shawn Amos
ChanceNick Nolte Birth is violent, and out of that violence is our only chance of rebirth. – Nick Nolte
Leigh WhannellMorning That’s what I love about writing is you don’t need anyone’s permission to do it. You can just get up in the morning, grab a pad and pen and start writing. – Leigh Whannell
Guy Standing Using political power, the elite can induce local authorities to facilitate enclosure and privatisation of land, water, and other hitherto public amenities. And they can pressurise public administrations to cut taxes, reducing financial resources for maintaining the remaining commons. – Guy Standing
Lenny Abrahamson Delusion is not good; better to be realistic and then surprise yourself if you’re lucky. – Lenny Abrahamson
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