Parvathy I like it when things come to me; I choose a movie if I know I need to be a part of it. – Parvathy Choose Quotes Movie Quotes The ‘Qarib’ team was energetic with an intimate way of working. We need women in cinema to know first that they have a safe space to open up about their struggles without being judged and marginalised.
Ruth Reichl I don’t think there’s one thing more important you can do for your kids than have family dinner. – Ruth Reichl
Adam Arkin I feel like Josh, Michelle and Adam were all team players, who wanted to be a part of an ensemble. – Adam Arkin
Craig McCracken Well, for one thing, the executives in charge at Cartoon Network are cartoon fans. I mean, these are people who grew up loving animation and loving cartoons, and the only difference between them and me is they don’t know how to draw. – Craig McCracken
Lynn Shelton When I started working in film, I loved photography, I loved the image, I loved telling the story within a frame, but as I started playing around with film and video, it was like, ‘Oh my god.’ You just have so much more to play with. – Lynn Shelton
H R McMasterIntelligencePositive The key thing about force protection is… if you focus too much on force protection, and you disengage yourself from the community, you’re putting yourself at greater risk because you need to interact with the community in a positive way to gain the intelligence you need. – H R McMaster
Imran Amed I had long had an instinct about there being a role for me in a creative industry. Maybe I didn’t listen to that voice as much earlier on, but when it had become a deafening sound in my head I realised I had to go and explore it. – Imran Amed
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