Alex Rodriguez I like Jay Z, Journey, and Kings of Leon. – Alex Rodriguez Jay Quotes Journey Quotes Kings Quotes Leon Quotes The more you play baseball, the less depends on your athletic ability. It’s a mental war more than anything. I’m part of history.
Delta Burke In my teens or twenties I wanted to do Blanche. Now I’m over that. Those roles are not attracting me now. Which is odd, because that’s what most every actress would want to go do. – Delta Burke
Brandon Webb World records aren’t broken in practice, and competitive environments and adversity are the birthplace of champions. – Brandon Webb
Charlie Ergen There are only two kinds of employees that I’ve run across in 30 years. There are ones that get results, and ones that make excuses. If you’re in that second camp, you’re not going to like Dish. – Charlie Ergen
Nish Kumar I’m in the middle of an existential crisis in how I approach comedy about these big issues. I sometimes find, when I get drawn on the subject of race, it’s too close to home for me and I can’t articulate what I’m trying to get across. – Nish Kumar
Luis Ortiz My three children govern me. They tell me what to do every day. I live for them. – Luis Ortiz
Melanie Scrofano I remember being in high school and this guy saying to me, ‘You’d actually be good-looking if you didn’t joke around so much.’ That affected me, and so I stopped joking around, and I stopped being a goof because I thought people would like me better. – Melanie Scrofano
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