Marco Pierre White I like my mind being stimulated. I like discovering new concepts. – Marco Pierre White Concepts Quotes Discovering Quotes Mind Quotes Stimulated Quotes My mother’s death was the defining moment of my life. Just because something is English does not necessarily mean it is good. We make the best cheddar; we make great pasties. But we can’t make very good brie or baguettes – and the French can’t make pork pies.
Jean Kerr It’s easier to write about what you know. I wouldn’t write about a Wall Street broker, for example. – Jean Kerr
Matthew Weiner It’s an ugly thing to see ambition and to see people satisfying themselves. – Matthew Weiner
Pete Doherty I don’t know; we’ll see what happens with Brexit. If they make it so that you can’t travel any more without a visa, I’m going to have to leave the country, stay in the E.U., and probably change my citizenship. – Pete Doherty
Mark Wahlberg Look, if you’re driving down the highway at 120 miles an hour, I’d rather be behind the wheel than in the backseat. – Mark Wahlberg
Michael Davis When I joined the band, being that I was going to take this up as a profession, I realized that there were no two finer guitar players in the world that I’d rather play with. – Michael Davis
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