Seth Grahame-Smith I like my zombies slow and I like my zombies stupid. – Seth Grahame-Smith Slow Quotes Stupid Quotes Zombies Quotes I want to be judged harshly because that forces me to really sit down and focus. I always say that the characters in Jane Austen’s original books are rather like zombies because they live in this bubble of immense wealth and privilege and no matter what’s going on around them they have a singular purpose to maintain their rank and to impress others.
Shahid Kapoor While I believe in marriage as an institution, I am also petrified of it. – Shahid Kapoor
Chris RockFoodFunnyWomen There are only three things women need in life: food, water, and compliments. – Chris Rock
Charles McCarry Espionage and counterespionage go together like horse and carriage. – Charles McCarry
Anne FrankPower Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness. People are just people, and all people have faults and shortcomings, but all of us are born with a basic goodness. – Anne Frank
Michael Angarano I think there’s an essential problem in movies and TV that I think a lot of people experience now: Audiences are way more interested in the actors than the characters that they’re playing. It’s a strange thing. – Michael Angarano
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