Asa Butterfield I like science fiction. I am quite a technologically kind of up-to-date person. I like seeing what the new developments are. – Asa Butterfield Developments Quotes Fiction Quotes Person Quotes Science Quotes Technologically Quotes Uptodate Quotes I never wanted to be home-schooled. I didn’t like the idea of being home-schooled. I don’t really like scary movies. I mean, I didn’t as a kid, but I think I got a bit better now. I’ve been easing myself into it, starting off with the less spooky ones.
Faye Wattleton Affirmative action has been generally cast in terms of race. I think women themselves are not as cognizant of the role affirmative action has played in opening the doors for women. – Faye Wattleton
DeRay Mckesson I think that I, because of student government and because of working in Baltimore, knew how to be creative with very little resources. – DeRay Mckesson
Sam Claflin I quite like the element of surprise, and as much as I have my ideas, I always appreciate ideas that come from other people as well, and I love the mystery of not knowing. – Sam Claflin
Erik Larson I don’t listen to music when I write, but I do turn on appropriate music when I read portions of my manuscripts back to myself – kind of like adding a soundtrack to help shape mood. – Erik Larson
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