Otis Blackwell I like this town, it’s really great. They’ve put me in The Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame. This town is about music. It’s about the kind of music I like. – Otis Blackwell Fame Quotes Hall Quotes Music Quotes Nashville Quotes Songwriters Quotes Town Quotes There have been many times when I’ve been asked to appear and I’d say to myself, what am I going to talk about? Early on, when I did interviews, I’d tell everyone, Don’t ask me about dates. I don’t even remember what I did yesterday.
Reed Morano In my 20s, I was too shy to reach out to successful DPs and directors for an internship or to shadow them. I see young people nowadays doing that all the time. I think that experience would have been cool. – Reed Morano
Dhani Jones With TV, it’s the same way as preparing for the game of football. To get better at football, you have to watch the film and watch those who came before you and played the game, and yes, the first year you come in as a rookie and you’re not gonna be as good as when you come in as a vet, and I applied that in the same way to ‘Ton of Cash.’ – Dhani Jones
Maureen Lipman I’ve often unwittingly done the wrong thing; most things you mess up in life you do through nerves. – Maureen Lipman
Karen Civil In high school, I created a fan group for J.D. Williams, who played Bodie on ‘The Wire.’ I had the chance to meet him, and he took me to have lunch at IHOP. At that point in my life, I noticed this Internet thing was giving me the chance to check off goals off of my bucket list. – Karen Civil
Sofia Boutella The beauty of the original monster movies is that you were able to relate to every single character, or even to treat their monstrosity as an emotional metaphor. – Sofia Boutella
Jayma Mays I loved ‘The Carol Burnett Show’ – I thought she was the funniest lady I’d ever seen. – Jayma Mays
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