Jim Yong Kim I like to change people’s sense of what’s possible. – Jim Yong Kim Change Quotes Peoples Quotes Sense Quotes Look at the problem of drug-resistant TB in the world. Look at HIV in the world. What’s going to be required for everybody in the long run is the ability to do complex health interventions in poor settings. We will never end poverty if we don’t tackle climate change.
Bethany McLean I’m not a big believer in the power of more regulation to fix things. I think it can almost be more dangerous because it provides the illusion that things have been fixed without the substance. – Bethany McLean
Jordan Larson Basketball is not my favorite, but I enjoy playing it and it’s helped my volleyball. – Jordan Larson
Chuck Feeney I suppose in the back of my mind I was always one of those guys who had a disdain for money. It had a value if you wanted to buy something, but if you didn’t want to buy something, you didn’t need it. – Chuck Feeney
Antonio Banderas Whatever happens in my life from now on, I know the day I finally die – the final act of my script – people will always make references to the work I’ve done with Almodovar. – Antonio Banderas
Alvin Adams My view is different. Public relations are a key component of any operation in this day of instant communications and rightly inquisitive citizens. – Alvin Adams
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