Forrest Griffin I like to make people quit. Whether it’s because I’m striking them or submitting them, I just want to make them quit. In the war of wills, that’s the win. – Forrest Griffin People Quotes Quit Quotes Striking Quotes Submitting Quotes War Quotes Wills Quotes Win Quotes I’ve been victimized by general filthiness on multiple occasions… I received a nasty staph infection… I was told to wait it out… a few days later I literally thought I was going to die… I ended up being on antibiotics for five weeks and, as a result, I had to back out of the fight against Machida. HIV is not a gay or straight disease. It’s a young people’s disease, unfortunately.
Ranveer Brar I found most of my learning has taken place after culinary college, when I travelled and met chefs and non-chefs. – Ranveer Brar
Jonjo Shelvey I’d have liked to have played in the Gascoigne era, but there is so much sport science around, you have to change with it. – Jonjo Shelvey
Silvio Berlusconi If I, taking care of everyone’s interests, also take care of my own, you can’t talk about a conflict of interest. – Silvio Berlusconi
David Rockefeller Eventually, most people felt MoMA had filled a very important gap. – David Rockefeller
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