Roberto Baggio I like to play with my back to the goal, but my colleagues have to tell me when I’m alone or how much room I have so I can choose to pass or to go straight for the goal. – Roberto Baggio Choose Quotes Colleagues Quotes Goal Quotes Pass Quotes Play Quotes Straight Quotes Buddhism allows me to feel well, tranquil, and very happy inside. This is good not only for football but for my life in general. The best thing to do is to find the type of play to make Italy win the World Cup, and maybe Baggio be the best player.
Beth Hart I think that anytime that you can open your eyes and see all that you have and all that you’ve been blessed with, it’s the greatest way to connect you with God, just being grateful rather than always wanting more, wanting to be different, wanting to be better. – Beth Hart
Arjun Mathur The biggest films that I’ve had in the past that had all the money and resources, bombarded us with advertisements. – Arjun Mathur
Bret Weinstein If one’s desire for change is an earnest desire to see things improve, then surely there is a state in which things have been improved to the point where you would hope to conserve a structure rather than alter it. At that point, you become a conservative. – Bret Weinstein
Nancy A Collins I’ve been writing in some way, shape, or form for as long as I can remember. – Nancy A Collins
J B PritzkerMenPowerWomen Women should not be forced to accept sexual harassment as the price of admission to a life and career in the political world. They should not have to endure unwanted touching, innuendo, and propositioning from men in positions of power. – J B Pritzker
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