C J McCollum I like to take it back, cause I’m an old soul. Growing up, my brothers, I’d grow up hearing what they were playing, and that’s how my taste has evolved. – C J McCollum Brothers Quotes Evolved Quotes Grow Quotes Growing Quotes Hearing Quotes Playing Quotes Soul Quotes Taste Quotes I graduated from Lehigh with a degree in journalism. I have a responsibility and a job as a guy who gets paid a lot of money, I’m expected to perform. And 82 games in 6-7 months is a lot, and it’s hard on the body, and you’re not gonna play perfect every night. Even Ray Allen misses shots, even LeBron misses dunks.
HomeSebastian Thrun I wanted to participate in the political responsibilities of an American citizen. I wanted to vote. I wanted to be a full member of the American community. I made America my home country. It’s my identity in many ways. – Sebastian Thrun
DeathGeorg Buchner The death clock is ticking slowly in our breast, and each drop of blood measures its time, and our life is a lingering fever. – Georg Buchner
John Millington Synge They’re cheering a young lad, the champion playboy of the Western World. – John Millington Synge
Cole Swindell When you find what you love, and you find people that will support you, you’re living the dream whatever you do. – Cole Swindell
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