Pat Connaughton I like to think that as much as I have a passion for both sports, I also am a decently smart guy on the business side. – Pat Connaughton Business Quotes Decently Quotes Guy Quotes Passion Quotes Smart Quotes Sports Quotes I’m not going to explore basketball recklessly. I graduated from Notre Dame.
Jenny Zhang I like to keep a book underneath the pillow that I’m not sleeping on so I can reach over and grab it when I wake up. I don’t always do that, but I like to. I try to make sure it’s a book and not my laptop. I also try not to get too excited about who might’ve been trying to contact me while I was asleep. – Jenny Zhang
James Jones I don’t think people like to read about themselves or about others as they really are. It would be too horrifying. – James Jones
Marty Walsh I’ve always supported legislation for a woman’s right to choose. And as mayor – I ran as an open, pro-choice candidate for mayor. If I ran for any higher office, I’m pro-choice. – Marty Walsh
James B Stewart It’s often said that the most important qualities in a chief executive are character and judgment. – James B Stewart
Jerry West The Lakers had been home to me, unlike the home I had grown up and felt apart from. – Jerry West
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