Elisabeth Hasselbeck I like to think there are a lot of balls in the air, and the kids are not one that I choose to drop. They have been a priority and I have a career that allows for a little more flexibility at times and hours that are quite mom-friendly. – Elisabeth Hasselbeck Air Quotes Balls Quotes Career Quotes Choose Quotes Drop Quotes Flexibility Quotes Hours Quotes Kids Quotes Lot Quotes Momfriendly Quotes Priority Quotes Times Quotes The best Mother’s Day gift I ever got was just a full day with the kids where they did their mommy pampering. They cut cucumbers and put them on my eyes and my daughter gave me a facial. I’m not even sure what was in it! It’s too hard to present an opinion on something that’s not true to who you are. It’s much easier to base opinions and debates off of fact and your true heart on things. To me that just comes quite naturally, and it’s also about being open to what the debate is about and hearing the other side.
Douglas Murray Rather than being a ‘perversion’ of Islam, it is truer to say that the version of Islam espoused by ISIS, while undoubtedly the worst possible interpretation of Islam, and for Muslims and non-Muslims everywhere obviously the most destructive version of Islam, is nevertheless a plausible interpretation of Islam. – Douglas Murray
Larry Hagman Well, I decided to stop. And I did. I stopped smoking, and I stopped speed at the same time. – Larry Hagman
Stromae If we can listen to English music without understanding nothing, and dance on it, and feel the groove, feel the feelings, I’m sure everybody can do exactly the same for each language. – Stromae
Charles R Swindoll Alleged ‘impossibilities’ are opportunities for our capacities to be stretched. – Charles R Swindoll
Caroline Ghosn I begin to cut myself off in a digital shutdown at about 10 P.M. Phone, laptop, and iPad go down. If I’m at home, I’ll leave my laptop and iPad in the living room. Those things don’t go into my bedroom at all. – Caroline Ghosn
Louis Leakey Most Kikuyu marriages were arranged on the basis of what is described by anthropologists as the bride price. – Louis Leakey
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