Garth Nix I like to write books that I would have liked as a child, that would have got me thinking and imagining beyond the words on the page. In a way, my audience is always how I remember myself as a child. – Garth Nix Audience Quotes Books Quotes Child Quotes Imagining Quotes Remember Quotes Thinking Quotes Write Quotes I find the presence of the sea quite inspiring, and sometimes I do just get out and walk around and take in the sea breeze to try and clear my mind. I like movies in particular, on video or T.V. I have lots of old favorites, like Danny Kaye in ‘The Court Jester’ or ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ or James Stewart in ‘Winchester ’73.’ But I also like a lot of modern films.
Hunter Biden The single best thing is, family comes first. Over everything. I can’t think of anything that has been more pervasive and played a larger part in my life than that simple lesson. – Hunter Biden
Emily Rose What’s so great about playing a female lead, especially in law enforcement, is that these women do exist, and they’re really quite interesting. They’re fascinating. – Emily Rose
Emily Calandrelli Nobody likes feeling like an outsider, so it’s intimidating for young girls to give STEM a try when they look into STEM clubs/classes and see a room full of boys. – Emily Calandrelli
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