David Maisel I live in the 20th century. I have copper rivets on my jeans. – David Maisel Century Quotes Copper Quotes Jeans Quotes Live Quotes Rivets Quotes The active and abandoned tailings ponds I have photographed, for example, are strangely beautiful – yet they are also chock full of cyanide, which is used in the recovery of microscopic particles of gold from the waste tailings of copper mines. I still shoot film. I like what film does, how it renders things, Also, when I’m shooting from the air, I want to have as large a negative as I can.
Leo Varadkar I just want people to know that whatever decisions are made on any issue, I’ll make them according to what I believe is in the public interest and my own conscience. – Leo Varadkar
Alphonso Davies My dream was to become a big player in Europe. But most of the stars there are either from Europe or places like Brazil and Argentina. How many come from Edmonton, where you’re only supposed to play hockey? None. So yeah, I had a lot of doubts. I wondered if I had gone as far as I could. – Alphonso Davies
Michael Redhill I found that through my life, living in the city of Toronto, I look above the Pizza Pizza sign, and I look above the other signs and window dressing, and I see evidence of a city that no longer exists in the keystones and the decorations that line the tops of buildings. That presence of the old city has always moved me. – Michael Redhill
Oliver Burke A player who isn’t playing football isn’t ready for the international team. – Oliver Burke
Pankaj Mishra Economic disasters or foolish wars are hardly guaranteed to bring about large-scale individual self-examination or renew the appeal of truly participatory democracy. – Pankaj Mishra
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