Peter De Vries I love being a writer. What I can’t stand is the paperwork. – Peter De Vries Love Quotes Paperwork Quotes Stand Quotes Writer Quotes Pain is the question mark turned like a fishhook in the human heart. It is the final proof of God’s omnipotence that he need not exist in order to save us.
Ricki LakeSad It was a long time in the making, my divorce. One day became less special than the next, and pretty soon, we ceased all conversation. It is a sad day when you have nothing left to say. – Ricki Lake
Charles Best To take on the jobs of tomorrow, students must become more than good test takers. They need to become makers who design, sketch, build, and prototype. And their classrooms will need more than a chalkboard and a set of textbooks. – Charles Best
ChanceLando Norris In testing, you make a mistake, you just say ‘OK we’ll have another go’ instead of it being the only chance you get. – Lando Norris
Jackie Kennedy An Editor becomes kind of your mother. You expect love and encouragement from an Editor. – Jackie Kennedy
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