Adam Rippon I love being on Twitter and interacting with different people. Also, I very dangerously love to go shopping online! – Adam Rippon Dangerously Quotes Interacting Quotes Love Quotes Online Quotes People Quotes Shopping Quotes Twitter Quotes There’s no such thing as a wardrobe malfunction – only a wardrobe opportunity. I remember seeing people who I thought were so confident and exuberant. I remember being young and watching Oprah and being like, ‘Damn. That lady is so confident. She can talk to anybody.’
Gwyneth Paltrow We feel it’s unacceptable to be fat, when it has nothing to do with who the person actually is. – Gwyneth Paltrow
ExperienceTrace Cyrus Metro Station, it was a crazy experience, because I felt like we just blew up really fast. – Trace Cyrus
Hyun Bin But if I get some time off, I want to travel. It’s always about travel, about getting away from everything. – Hyun Bin
Brian Sutton-Smith If you are going to take away war toys, then what are you to replace them with? Children need to feel courageous, brave, and assertive. They need to feel strong; that is the purpose of their play. – Brian Sutton-Smith
Annie BesantIntelligence Man is a spiritual intelligence, who has taken flesh with the object of gaining experience in worlds below the spiritual, in order that he may be able to master and to rule them, and in later ages take his place in the creative and directing hierarchies of the universe. – Annie Besant
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