Paige I love being the bad guy. – Paige Bad Quotes Guy Quotes Love Quotes I try to be very positive. I surround myself with positive people, and the negative people can leave. My mother is the toughest opponent. Many people think she would go easy on me, but that’s not the case.
Polo G One thing I can say as far as people from black communities dealing with trauma or PTSD is putting some trauma centers or some type of therapy sessions and some after-school programs for the kids, so they can have a real outlet to express themselves. – Polo G
Norman Swan Kids need other kids, they need school. But we also don’t need an epidemic. – Norman Swan
Corin Nemec I decided I’d never do a series again, but I was offered a pilot for a series through Eddy Murphy Productions, and that was the gig that got me Parker Lewis. – Corin Nemec
Jonathan Majors When you allow yourself to really think about the future and the legacy you’re leaving, you become gentler. – Jonathan Majors
EqualityFaithMonica Crowley True equality means holding everyone accountable in the same way, regardless of race, gender, faith, ethnicity – or political ideology. – Monica Crowley
Jai Courtney With ‘Divergent’ and ‘Insurgent,’ there isn’t great emphasis on uniformity; it’s a vigilante military, the state is in disarray, and there is no reference point for authenticity, so it’s just weapons work and circumstantial fighting. – Jai Courtney
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