Douglas Booth I love clothes and do sort of change my wardrobe a lot. But a thousand dollar jacket? I’d rather spend it on an experience, like traveling. – Douglas Booth Change Quotes Clothes Quotes Dollar Quotes Experience Quotes Jacket Quotes Lot Quotes Love Quotes Sort Quotes Spend Quotes Traveling Quotes Wardrobe Quotes Darren Aronofsky is on another level. You get lost in a scene, and he’ll come over and whisper something in your ear, and suddenly everything makes sense. When I do my own wardrobe, I try to wear a designer from each of the countries I’m visiting: Tom Ford for New York, Hugo Boss for Germany, Burberry for England.
Paul Theroux I believe I have a sunny disposition, and am not naturally a grouch. It takes a lot of optimism, after all, to be a traveler. – Paul Theroux
Becky G My main focus when I do my makeup is my eyes – I accentuate my eyes, and they look bigger. More ‘va va voom,’ I guess you can say. – Becky G
Johnny Miller I remember, when I won at Tucson by nine shots in 1975, I would say the average iron shot I hit that week was no more than two feet off line. It was unbelievable. – Johnny Miller
Ashley Tisdale When fans come up to me and Vanessa, they’re really sweet and ask for autographs – but once they see the guys, the girls tend to scream. – Ashley Tisdale
AttitudeDesignVera Wang Design is about point of view, and there should be some sort of woman or lifestyle or attitude in one’s head as a designer. So my being able to reach the masses was something that meant a great deal to me – especially for women who could never wear Vera Wang. – Vera Wang
Craig Benson Actually, I think I come at things a whole different way from most people, and, you know, sometimes political answers are one way to solve the problem, and sometimes there are better ways to do it. – Craig Benson
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