Monica Galetti I love dark chocolate. – Monica Galetti Chocolate Quotes Dark Quotes Love Quotes We had a family beach house in Savai’i in western Samoa. When the tide used to come in it would come under the house and you could watch the fish from sitting in the lounge. It was so beautiful. When I was growing up, the Roux brothers, Michel’s father and uncle, Albert and Michel Sr, they were my idols. I regarded them as royalty.
Antonio Brown Anytime you get an opportunity to put more fun into the game, that’s good. I’ve got a lot of positive energy. – Antonio Brown
Jeff Fortenberry For Nebraska and for America, I will continue my commitment to our national security, economic security, and family security. – Jeff Fortenberry
Carl LewisEducation I don’t feel I’m qualified to be a coach outside the high school level. I think I would need to do more education to really be a good coach. – Carl Lewis
Paul Manafort The conversation we should be having is, what does Russia have from Hillary Clinton’s server? – Paul Manafort
David Cone I have far too many skeletons in my closet to think about any sort of serious mention of public office. – David Cone
Soledad O'Brien Being an entrepreneur is a mindset. You have to see things as opportunities all the time. I like to do interviews. I like to push people on certain topics. I like to dig into the stories where there’s not necessarily a right or wrong answer. – Soledad O’Brien
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