David McCullough I love Dickens. I love the way he sets a scene. – David McCullough Dickens Quotes Love Quotes Scene Quotes Sets Quotes I love all sides of the work but that doesn’t mean it isn’t hard. I work very hard on the writing, writing and rewriting and trying to weed out the lumber.
India Eisley Bullying has been around since humans have been around, I think. I think it is wrong. – India Eisley
Frank Mir I watched guys who were professional fighters hit each other 30 times, and it still didn’t go anywhere. I thought ‘that wasn’t very effective’ But I saw if you got someone in a choke, you can end a fight in seconds, and I pushed toward that. – Frank Mir
A N Wilson Iris Murdoch did influence my early novels very much, and influence is never entirely good. – A N Wilson
Jon Ronson Film is like a casserole. Everybody is thrown into a pot, and we’re all in it together. – Jon Ronson
DesignDon Bluth I have never seen a game’s graphics look so sharp and clean. The sound design for the game is also unique on the Xbox. The memory on this system allowed us to provide the user with 5.1 Dolby surround sound for home theatre owners. – Don Bluth
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