Dimebag Darrell I love ‘Dogman’ by King’s X and Living Colour’s ‘Stain.’ – Dimebag Darrell Colours Quotes Dogman Quotes Kings Quotes Living Quotes Love Quotes Stain Quotes I would just listen to records and learn what I could, then just roll it over and over and over. My whammy system is set up so I can yank the bar up as well as do dive-bombs with it. This means that if I accidentally push down on the bridge with my palm, my strings go sharp and sound out of tune. I make sure this never happens by never resting my hand on the bridge when muting. I always do my muting just in front of the bridge.
FailureSuccessZig Ziglar You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure. – Zig Ziglar
Jonny Greenwood Presented with a song like Exit Music, It’s impossible to know what to add without actually making it worse. How can you play along when It’s already there? – Jonny Greenwood
DesignPeter Zumthor I design for the use of a building and the place and for the people who use it… the reputation for arrogance comes because when work is offered to me, I look whether I can find a genuine interest in quality. – Peter Zumthor
Madeleine Madden When Im older, I would love to write and direct something and work with Australian people. – Madeleine Madden
Sara Bareilles If you take your fear and mash it into something that’s actually useful, then it doesn’t feel like it wins. – Sara Bareilles
Eric Dane I don’t know if there’s any change more significant that a human being can make than that of a woman becoming a mother. There’s no change more dramatic. – Eric Dane
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