Tahar Rahim I love fashion as an art; I love fashion as costume, as a character. I don’t like dictates and the phoniness of appearance. – Tahar Rahim Appearance Quotes Art Quotes Character Quotes Costume Quotes Dictates Quotes Fashion Quotes Love Quotes Phoniness Quotes At the end of the day, I remain a country boy inside. I recall the first time my agent told me to wear clothes specifically chosen for me, I would try and find excuses not to do it.
Lois Lowry I think ‘The Giver’ is such a moral book, so filled with important truths, that I couldn’t believe anyone would want to suppress it, to keep it from kids. – Lois Lowry
Michel Foucault The frontiers of a book are never clear-cut: beyond the title, the first lines, and the last full stop, beyond its internal configuration and its autonomous form, it is caught up in a system of references to other books, other texts, other sentences: it is a node within a network. – Michel Foucault
Randy Wayne White It’s called ‘Night Moves,’ and it’s my favorite ‘Doc Ford’ of all times. It’s way too complicated, but it worked. – Randy Wayne White
BrainyJoseph Roux A fine quotation is a diamond in the hand of a man of wit and a pebble in the hand of a fool. – Joseph Roux
Miley Cyrus My life won’t be a series of either/ors – musician or actor, rock or country, straitlaced or rebellious, this or that, yes or no. The real choices in life aren’t that simple. – Miley Cyrus
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