Ivan Rakitic I love football. A lot. It’s never a moment to say that I’m bored. There is a lot of repetition in football, in training and travel, but I still love it. – Ivan Rakitic Bored Quotes Football Quotes Lot Quotes Love Quotes Moment Quotes Repetition Quotes Training Quotes Travel Quotes I would never describe football as a job because it doesn’t feel like a job. I have a lot of respect for the British people and the passion which they have for football, the full stadiums.
Kenny Smith What it takes to win on the road, it’s all mental focus. You have to believe that you can win. – Kenny Smith
Sreenivasan I believe that the purpose of cinema is to entertain. The so-called geniuses may have given new meanings to it, but for those who developed cinema, the aim was to entertain. – Sreenivasan
AgeGreatPeace Pilgrim Anything you cannot relinquish when it has outlived its usefulness possesses you, and in this materialistic age a great many of us are possessed by our possessions. – Peace Pilgrim
Hale Appleman From about ten, I knew I wanted to be an actor, and I started doing vocal shows and stuff. – Hale Appleman
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem We know that if religion is allowed into schools, pupils will sometimes begin to question the teaching they receive. – Najat Vallaud-Belkacem
Stephen Vincent Benet It is forbidden to go east, but I have gone, forbidden to go on the great river, but I am there. Open your hearts, you spirits, and hear my song. – Stephen Vincent Benet
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