Maryse Mizanin I love John Cena. I love his charisma, he’s so cute. – Maryse Mizanin Cena Quotes Charisma Quotes Cute Quotes John Quotes Love Quotes I love filet mignon. I love French and Italian cuisine. I have a good sense of humor. I’m confident, passionate and honest. I’m a people person.
Barbara Cartland France is the only place where you can make love in the afternoon without people hammering on your door. – Barbara Cartland
Jodie Turner-Smith I think of L.A. as my home now, in large part because I became the entity that I am in L.A. I always say to people that my coming-of-age happened in L.A., the unraveling of the person I was pretending to be for a long time, and then finding of the person I feel like I now am. – Jodie Turner-Smith
Jubin Nautiyal I think people need comparisons to grade a singer… so if they are comparing me to the biggest singer of India… I am sure I am on the right path. – Jubin Nautiyal
Syd I’m kind of shy when it comes to women, so I don’t really approach them. I’ll just admire them from afar, and if they happen to say something to me, then maybe I’ll find the courage to say something. – Syd
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