Freddie Fox I love the energy of Islington, the variety of things you can see, taste and buy, the number of young people around you all moving and bustling – yet it still feels like a village, a community. – Freddie Fox Bustling Quotes Community Quotes Energy Quotes Feels Quotes Islington Quotes Love Quotes Moving Quotes People Quotes Taste Quotes Variety Quotes Village Quotes The joy of being a chameleon on stage is that you can be anything, and yet you’re not any of those things as well. Everybody who I’ve spoken to who was conscious when ‘Queer as Folk’ went out says it was a complete game-changer. It completely changed people’s perception of young, gay men especially.
DeAndre Hopkins When you got a chance to speak out about something, I feel like you should, and a lot of people will follow you around the country. – DeAndre Hopkins
Jonathan Brandis I do remember that I was sitting in the make-up chair before the shoots for a commercial or film or other, and I thought: Sometime soon they are going to make a close-up of me and millions of people can see how many pimples I’ve got on my cheeks. – Jonathan Brandis
Anand Gopal Unlike other Taliban groups, the Haqqanis’ approach to mayhem was worldly and sophisticated: they recruited Arabs, Pakistanis, even Europeans, and they were influenced by the latest in radical Islamist thought. – Anand Gopal
Sabine Baring-Gould A residence of many years in Yorkshire, and an inveterate habit of collecting all kinds of odd and out-of-the-way information concerning men and matters, furnished me, when I left Yorkshire in 1872, with a large amount of material, collected in that county, relating to its eccentric children. – Sabine Baring-Gould
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