George Hickenlooper I love the grandiosity of Hollywood movies, and even in independents, I love the canvas you can tell your story on. I love fiction filmmaking, you really feel like you’re creating something. – George Hickenlooper Canvas Quotes Creating Quotes Feel Quotes Fiction Quotes Filmmaking Quotes Grandiosity Quotes Hollywood Quotes Independents Quotes Love Quotes Movies Quotes Story Quotes Simon Monjack had nothing to do with ‘Factory Girl.’ He filed a frivolous lawsuit against us… making bogus claims that we had stolen his script. He held us literally to hostage and we were forced to settle with him as he held our production over a barrel. There’s been a vacuum with movies that people can relate to. There’s been a paucity of dramas that people can relate to. I think audiences are clamoring to connect – particularly after 9/11 – with things that are genuine and real and I think documentaries are filling that need.
Martin O'Neill I took my two daughters to the 2003 All-Ireland between Armagh and Tyrone and they were blown away by the whole pageantry and everything about it. – Martin O’Neill
LoveMahesh BabuThankful I’m very thankful to all my fans for their constant love and support. I am what I am because of their unconditional love. – Mahesh Babu
Natasia Demetriou Well, I’m obsessed with shoes – small shoes, weirdly shaped shoes, hotdogs in shoes, things sliding in and out of shoes. – Natasia Demetriou
Ron Silver Then I realized that to be really good at this requires a lot of energy and concentration and skill. – Ron Silver
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