Gary Allan I love the road. That’s always been my goal. I’ve said that to many record labels. I want to make records. The road is my favorite. Some people hate the road, I love the road. – Gary Allan Favorite Quotes Goal Quotes Hate Quotes Labels Quotes Love Quotes People Quotes Record Quotes Records Quotes Road Quotes We sat around and I fed them barbecue and whiskey. And pretty soon everyone started to compete with each other on the guitars. It seemed the more everyone drank and ate, the more everyone got into it. I’ll fill those canyons in your soul, like a river lead you home. And I’ll walk a step behind, in the shadows so you shine. Just ask, it will be done and I will prove my love, until you’re sure that I’m the one.
Jane Krakowski I am someone who puts their takeout or leftovers into the Tupperware and stores it in the refrigerator overnight. – Jane Krakowski
Helena Christensen If I have an hour in a city, I go to vintage stores first because it’s so much cooler to find a piece that is unique. I love the thought of some girl having worn it before and living her life in it. – Helena Christensen
Andrew Neil When one English person speaks, another one immediately classifies him. No class system in the world is so audible, which is also why it is so pernicious and enduring. – Andrew Neil
Margaret Cuomo Imagine the progress that could be made by gathering together the world’s scientists, engineers, physicians, oncologists, epidemiologists and more in a super-team effort to end cancer. – Margaret Cuomo
David A ClarkeJr For a label for me, ‘conservative’ is more appropriate than ‘Republican.’ – David A Clarke, Jr
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