Selena Gomez I love what I do, I can’t imagine doing anything else, but ultimately, my goal is to be happy and have a family. That’s my life. – Selena Gomez Family Quotes Goal Quotes Happy Quotes Imagine Quotes Life Quotes Love Quotes Ultimately Quotes You can’t shut down. You can’t say, ‘What can I do to make this go away?’ You have to let it be painful and get through it. Every day gets better. Because when you’re in love, you kind of give everything and make that person your life. So every day, you get more and more of yourself back, and it feels better. I don’t really have a structured path of wanting to say, ‘This is what I’ll do next.’ I’m just going to read a bunch of scripts and see which one I love. There are so many things I would love to play, in all different genres.
Hank Williams Jr Most all of my awards are at the Country Music Hall of Fame. You know we had the longest running exhibit in the Hall of Fame history with Family Tradition. More people went to see Daddy’s stuff and all the things I have collected over the years than any other exhibit. – Hank Williams Jr
Erskine BowlesLeadership Leadership is the key to 99 percent of all successful efforts. – Erskine Bowles
Phil Jones I have said from day one I see myself as a center back. But, if I am asked to play in midfield or at right-back, I am happy to do so. – Phil Jones
Max Verstappen The smell of fuel, driving on the limit on the edge of sliding, it just gives you a lot of adrenaline. – Max Verstappen
CoolTom Felton Draco’s not really a bully. He’s not exactly the biggest, strongest guy in the world. He’s more a rich, snobby person. He thinks of himself as really cool. – Tom Felton
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